An elegant, compact, and discreet Insect Light Trap designed with increased savings on electric running costs.
A sleek Insect Light Trap designed for areas with limited space. It delivers increased fly catch performance along with ease of servicing.
An elegant, compact, and versatile Insect Light Trap that provides flexible installation options such as horizontal or vertical mounting. It can also...
A reliable solution that comes with a high-voltage grid and a large catch tray for superior fly catch in non-food handling areas.
A powerful solution that uses a large-capacity grid-marked glue board for superior fly catch.
Insect Light Traps with grid-marked glue boards for superior fly control in commercial areas with high insect activity. (VC)
Insect Light Traps with high-voltage grids for unparalleled fly catch performance in non-food handling areas with high insect activity. (VZ)
An elegant, compact, and discreet Insect Light Trap designed for use in areas of limited space.